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Our Faith Community


We recognize that our history as a parish centers the experience of colonizers to the North American continent dating back to 1621 when Pilgrims made their way from Plimouth to what Middleborough is now. The story we have inherited states that the local Wampanoag people “gave” 38 1/2 acres of land for a parish house, a burial ground and training field, though we now understand that it was more likely the land was acquired in 1675 under threat implicit than given willingly. We cherish this fourth building known as Titicut Parish and North Congregational Church, built in 1893 after a fire destroyed the third meeting house. Our Little Yellow Church building resonates with the sounds of the 1893 Hutchings organ in worship, and its clock tower with a sonorous bell stands above the rest of the village thanks to the generous assistance of the Pratt family. In 2007 the North Congregational Church made the decision to become an Open and Affirming congregation. 


If you could be the proverbial “fly on the wall” on any given Sunday at North Congregational Church, you would observe a genuine warmth as our congregation gathers. Our joy and friendships are the soul of our church. We welcome all, not just because it is “in the manual,” but because we truly enjoy getting to know others. For nearly 3 ½ centuries, “The Little Yellow Church” has stood on Titicut Green and has let it’s “Little Light Shine”! It has served as a powerful beacon that never dims and has always lit the way to God’s love and Jesus’ teachings.


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Having sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit and believing that God called us to share in the mutual ministry of Christ, the members of the North Congregational Church, UCC and Lakeville United Church of Christ voted to create a Covenantal Partnership on June 4, 2023. Although we are joined together as one in the Body of Christ, this ministry partnership maintains the distinct identities of each congregation. We recognize that we are stronger together and we can reach further into our local communites and make a positive difference in the lives of more people. We are excited for the opportunity to expand our presence and serve as God's hands and feet, our faith in action.

To learn more about our denomination, 

the United Church of Christ, visit



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38 Plymouth St.
Middleboro, MA 02346


Mailing address:

PO Box 1209

Middleboro MA, 02346


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© 2023 North Congregational Church, UCC, Middleboro, MA

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